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Project 3: Decisions- 74 days to go...

Writer's picture: Jay GrimesJay Grimes

The gap between this and my first blog is admirably not a great start on the blogs, but I feel it was necessary. Between now and the last reflection, I had labelled my main concern as choosing an idea, and I highlighted that this was most probably going to be my greatest hurdle. Guess what, I was correct!

At the end of the previous blog, I stated that I didn't know which idea to pick, but it was most probably going to be the second, following with a theatre obsession. These past ten days, I have switched my mind daily between the three. Finally, I have made my decision, and in a way, it is neither of them... The story idea will be the second, though I am changing tack. Instead, I want to follow a character study of obsession. My idea is relatively simple. Two characters- the Lead and her Understudy- share conflict. The first in an insecure actress making a comeback, the second is a confident younger actress whose ambitious is primal. Through their jealousy, they discover a common obsession with each other that might lift them both from their stagnant positions in life. It is deep, it is complex, it is visual, and it is in a setting which I adore. Suffice to say, I wished I had thought of it ten days ago, that way I wouldn't of spent the entirety of the time doing nothing and wondering why time is going so fast.

At this moment, I feel good. I have got over that first inevitable hurdle that I knew would be the hardest. Though I am sure there will be bumps and troughs, I am sturdy in the knowledge that it is a downhill race from here on out. Making the formative decision has, like magic, removed the clouds from the path, and I can see the route to follow. Right now, I am undertaking the task of movie analysis, choosing a selection to pick. Initially, I was going to study Phantom Thread, it being not only one of my favourite films of all time, but a great study of obsessive personalities. However, Paul Thomas Anderson's film all provide detailed character studies that I feel would elevate my own project on all levels. Therefore, I should save a study on him for an Artist Research instead. There are a definite of two films which I will analyse now, being All That Jazz and Clouds of Sils Maria. All That Jazz is the ultimate obsessive character study, and has a great contextual background with Bob Fosse basing it off his own experiences as a workaholic. Clouds of Sils Maria shows the fragility of characters, their reflection on their life and current status, and the inevitability of age and the narcissism it can protrude. So, whilst I think of the other artists and films to study, I will crack on with research reports for both.

In terms of progress, I am very aware that, though the past ten days thinking was necessary, time is radially running out and I need to get some accomplish some actual practical preproduction. I have already emailed a location for use, and I have another in mind. This being one of the two major aspects to secure, I must but a casting call online to get ahead with securing the second. After that, it is worth thinking about getting a first draft completed. I have created a beat word which I am sure will change, but it is a good start to getting the story underway. Tasks for this week will be finishing the three film analysis, starting a casting process, organising location recces and completing first draft.

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